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The Residential Public School

Excellence Through Education

About Us

The great Indian philosopher Patanjali said, “When you are inspired by some purpose, all your thought break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations and dormant force, facilities, and talents become alive and you discover your true self.” This is the motto of AGS that works for the physical, mental, and emotional development of a child.



This text briefly introduces visitors to your main services.

Education Facilities

we follow an innovative concept of learning called Activity-Based Comprehensive Conceptual Learning.

Food Facilities

This is why we have our very own hygienic kitchen with expert chefs cooking meals and snacks for children and teachers everyday.

Transport Facilities

Transit can make a lot of difference in how one’s day starts and how it ends. To ensure that the journey to and from school is comfortable and hassle-free, we provide transportation facilities to all our students and faculty members.

Sports Facilities

Education comprises of studies as well as sport. In fact, we believe that for a child’s all-around development and for him to excel at studies, he must have some fun outdoors. That is why we have built our campus in a spacious location with a very large playground.



School Blogs

Twenty Ways You Can Help Your Children Succeed At School. Building Strong Parent-Educator Partnerships. Simple Ways To Encourage Learning.

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